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as part of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the police of Kazakhstan, on April 9, 2017, the Department of Social Work organization in the internal affairs bodies organized and held a line Song Contest among 2nd year cadets of the full-time faculty.< / p>

the purpose of the competition is to form a well-developed, professionally trained, morally and psychologically stable personality of an employee of the internal affairs bodies, to foster patriotism.< / p>

according to the Order of the competition, each platoon must pass a solemn march, performing a line Song.< / p>

the Cadets showed their ability to perform a line song, to walk in a line using movement techniques. Especially popular was the performance of the techniques of the line movement along with the performance of the line Song.< / p>

the contestants coped with all the difficulties, and the work of the jury members, who included the staff of the department, was difficult. They counted the advice, points and even argued with each other. According to the results of the competition, the results were announced and certificates were awarded.< / p>

in the Internal Affairs bodies

social work

Department of organization

teacher police captain

primkulova almagul

Apr 11, 2017, 1:24:50 PM